Alstroemeria is a demanded position of Daoflowers range of flower supply.
The daily offers of free market from Ecuadorian and Colombian farms are available on our electronic platform, but not in large quantities. The larger portion of Alstroemeria is usually ordered by customers in advance.
Therefore, we recommend preliminary ordering of Alstroemeria, a few days before the output from farms.
Alstroemeria is mainly supplied from Ecuador and Colombia.
This type of flowers is supplied in Qattrobox (QB) boxes, in our system it is 0.25 of a Full Box (FB).
The minimum lot quantity is 0.25 FB: from 150 to 300 pcs. depending on farm, lengths from 60 to 80 cm.
Alstroemeria 0,25 (QB).
As standard Alstroemeria with nets on blooms is supplied to the markets of Eastern and Central Europe, as well as to the markets of the Asian countries.
The high-demand in orders is mix for alstroemeria (mix colour), same as for the mix at the farm