Daoflowers IOS App - advanced features of the latest versions 24-01-2019 / System updates

Flowers supplier Daoflowers is constantly working on services improvement and we are pleased to inform our Customers about the recent changes of IOS App (available for download on the App Store):

  1. “Orders” - an extremely necessary Service especially during pre-holiday period – allows to control and track on you Order status using your smartphone.
    There have been added 2 view modes of the order details:
    • “Details” mode – provides detailed info about the order position, allows going to the order position details.
    • “Review” mode – provides the brief overview of the order position.
  2. New Module “Preferences”.
  3. Now you have the opportunity to manage your preferences and copy them for submasters.
  4. New Module “Absolute prohibitions”.
  5. Now you can manage the absolute prohibitions of the variety or plantation.
  6. The New Module "Variety Purchase Statistics”.
    • Now you have the opportunity to analyze which varieties (for example, roses) are the most demanded and popular on the market.
    • You can estimate visually the fasted-selling varieties by farms - which varieties from which farms was bought in large quantities, which ones - in small quantities, and what percentage of the variety was purchased from every single farm.
  7. The Module “User Profile”
    • When adding or editing staff info, employee data is immediately available for editing.
    • If it is necessary to put several e-mail addresses or contacts, please divide them using symbols «,» or «;».

    Please note - all the functions of Daoflowers Application are also available for Android OS. 
    Daoflowers Application for Android OS is available for download on the Google Play Market. 

Please send you suggestions and comments about the mobile applications to the e-mail address: dao@daoflowers.com
