SERVER: test;DB: test_web_flowers, test_flowers, test_flowers_synch

How to edit your order on the website? What are the basic guidelines? 18-08-2009 / News

In Daoflowers system our users can edit their submitted and accepted orders.
When requested order has been selected the user is redirected to the order management interface.

User-defined macros are also available - drop-down menu in the upper right corner (for accepted orders):
- create a new order on the basis of the current one
- hide order controls
- my mixes
- stop order purchase or send a request to deactivate the order
- hide lines with “FB” = 0
- view order history.

In case that the order has already been sent, but has not been accepted, there is advanced drop-down menu and in addition to the operations listed above, the following ones are added:
- skip the purchase
- set “FB” = 0 in the selected order lines
- set “stop price” - 0 in the selected order lines
- delete lines with “FB” = 0
- delete selected order lines or the entire order

After clicking on the requested order line, the user opens the "Order Line Management" interface, that allows you to perform the following actions:
- limit the length of the purchased position (no shorter, no longer)
- set stop price: FOB or at the point
- add comment to the line
- limit purchase by country and farm (prohibitions)
- choose preferable farms
- allow replacements by lengths and varieties
- clarify the packing
- set preferences and prohibitions
